Travel Exemptions Update

There have been further changes to travel exemptions, summarised below:

Leaving Australia
People ordinarily resident outside Australia

From 11 August 2021, Australian citizens and permanent residents ordinarily resident in a country outside Australia will not be automatically exempt from Australia’s outward travel restrictions.

From this date, you will need to apply for a travel exemption to leave Australia. You will also need to provide supporting documents to demonstrate you are ordinarily resident outside Australia.

Examples of supporting documents include the following:

  • foreign government-issued documentation, for example
    • foreign drivers licence
    • foreign government-issued residency card
  • evidence you have an established and settled home overseas, for example
    • tenancy/residential agreement
    • utility bills, rate notices
  • evidence you are employed or have ongoing business interests overseas
    • letter from your employer/employment contract in a foreign country
    • business tenancy agreement

There is a transitional period until 7 September 2021, whereby travellers who arrive at the airport without an exemption, will be allowed to travel if their status as ordinarily resident overseas can be confirmed by an ABF officer at departure.

Coming to Australia
Exemption requests for travel from India

Travel restrictions for those residing in India and wishing to come into Australia have returned to global settings.

If you are a temporary visa holder and residing in India, you will need to meet one of the categories for the individual exemption to travel into Australia. Please check the individual exemption here.

Coming to Australia
Prospective Marriage (subclass 300) visa holders

The government has introduced an exemption category for Prospective Marriage (subclass 300) visa holders who meet specific requirements.

To be eligible for the travel exemption, the following requirements must be met:

  • the subclass 300 visa has been granted; and
  • the subclass 300 visa application was lodged at least 12 months before submitting a travel exemption request.

If you applied for a subclass 300 visa on or before 18 August 2020 and have now been granted your subclass 300 visa; you are eligible for an inwards travel exemption on 18 August 2021.

Last updated: 18 August 2021

Have more specific questions about your visa? Get in touch with Migration Affairs today.

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